Why Investing In Your Digital Signage Is Important

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Advances in technology are always creating new opportunities for different businesses and the creation of digital signage is proving to be advantageous for many companies in every business sector. Digital signage is a fantastic way to engage with customers, advertise your business’s services and new products and provide important information directly to your clients and customers. There are still many companies who aren’t sure whether the use of digital signage will actually provide better results than traditional signage options like posters and banners.

To help businesses understand the benefits this technology can bring, here is why investing in your digital signage is important. 

1. Cost-Effective Multi-Location Advertising Campaigns 

Historically, when a major company with many business locations started a major new advertising or promotional campaign, they would need to design, print and then distribute all of the new posters, banners, flyers and other promotional material to every one of their locations. Then, the manager and the employees in each location would have to decorate after opening hours so that every location could launch the campaign at the same time. This costs a lot of money and takes up a lot of time and paper. 

Digital signage, however, enables companies to bypass the majority of the work. The experts at www.yodeck.com/raspberry-pi/ explain that once a new promotional campaign like a Christmas Sale is designed by a digital design team, it can then be shown on all the signs in the different locations immediately and all at the same time through a cloud system. Think about your company’s specific signage requirements and research the best digital signage option to help you fulfill your objectives. 

2. The Ability to Launch a Flash Sale at Any Moment

Digital signage gives businesses the ability to launch an on the spot promotion or sale if the company has a specific service or product or service which they really want to push. For example, clothes stores can promote last-minute price slashes on clothes that are about to become unsellable when the new season starts. This helps them to minimize the loss in revenue from unsold items. The same is true for multi-location franchise restaurants who want to take a specific item off the menu. To clear out the remaining stock, they can offer the item at a heavily discounted price in the days leading up to the menu change. 

3. Easy Customer Engagement

The Covid-19 Pandemic has really put businesses’ reactions and adaptation skills to the test. As Covid-19 was spreading, countries and their governments around the world were left scrambling to keep their economies alive, and companies were put under the pressure of operating under constantly changing regulations. The use of digital signage allowed businesses to engage with their customers about these changes with up to the minute accurate information which meant they were permitted to keep their doors open while companies without this ability had to close.

Rules about social distancing, wearing masks and not touching items in the store could all be announced on the digital signs to protect customers and restrict the transmission of the virus to staff. As businesses are looking to the future and trying to plan the necessary health and safety measures they will need to implement in the new normal, digital signage will be a vital tool for businesses to adapt and continue to operate.

4. Ability to Change the Signs According to the Time or Day

There are various types of businesses like restaurants and coffee shops who offer frequently changing deals and which use digital signage to change the menus and related advertising. Fast food restaurants like McDonald’s typically have different menus for breakfast and lunch and these menus are displayed for the customers above the tills. With digital signage, the menu can be changed instantly as soon as breakfast ends and lunch begins. There are also many chain pubs and restaurants which offer different deals throughout the week such as ‘Fish and Chips Tuesdays’ and ‘Pizza Thursdays’.

Particularly as we are looking at a global recession, this allows those restaurants to offer cheap deals to their cash-strapped customers as they can order the ingredients in bulk and so are able to sell the meals at a lower price. Digital signage means that customers will always know what deals are coming up without the restaurant having to change paper posters every night in all their chains. 

There are many advantages available to businesses through digital signage. It allows businesses to engage with customers, roll out new deals and promotions in many locations at the same time, and adapt to changing business environments.


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