6 Simple Tips That Will Lower Your Electricity Usage At Home

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Let’s face it, the cost of electricity is something that we have to deal with every day. Rising power bills are on everyone’s lips. Even so, we cannot live without power. Electricity powers our work and lights our lives. In the wake of higher electricity bills, we are now turning off lights more, using smart electricity-saving appliances, and turning to nature to reduce electricity usage.

Electricity usage at home is hinged on three major factors; the behaviors surrounding electricity usage, the appliances we use, and the source of electricity. If you hack these three, you will begin the journey to lower power bills. Wondering how to use less electricity? We have drawn the following 6 simple tips that will lower your electricity usage at home.

  1. Air-Dry Your Laundry

Are you surprised after seeing this point? Well, don’t be. Most households use tumble dryers to dry their laundry. Studies show that 3.3 kilowatt-hours of energy is consumed by an average dryer. Going by the average cost estimates of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour, a family that washes and dries laundry weekly or twice a week stands to spend a significant amount on drying laundry alone. More loads per laundry session translate to more electricity usage.

If you switch to drying your laundry in the open, you stand to significantly save on the electricity used. Back in the days, our parents used to set up hanging lines in the backyard to dry laundry. We can replicate the same and let nature dry your clothes. Setting up a hanging line in the backyard takes a few minutes. What’s more, you can dry more loads at once. If you have no space to string a hanging line, you can use other methods such as a drying rack, or on the shower rod.

  1. Conduct an Energy Audit

If your high electricity bills are too much and you are wondering where to start, consider having a home energy audit. According to energy experts from https://electricitymonster.com.au/, a home energy audit is a process to determine the energy consumption in your home, the energy flow and the measures to be taken to make your home more energy-efficient. An energy audit done by yourself or by a professional will identify energy wastage in the heating, cooling, insulation, or lighting systems in your home.

A simple visual assessment might not identify the underlying problems. The audit results and recommendations will ultimately help you reduce electricity costs.

  1. Use Compact Fluorescent and LED Bulbs

Your home lighting could be the reason you have high electricity bills. Multiple lighting fixtures with incandescent bulbs could be driving up your electricity bill. Better energy-saving light bulbs include LED bulbs, halogen incandescent lights, and compact halogen bulbs. Replacing your incandescent bulbs with energy-saving lighting options could save much-needed dollars on electricity costs. You can also include dimmer switches to adjust the brightness in a room. Lower brightness levels will lead to lower electricity charges.

  1. Pay Attention to Your HVAC System

The HVAC system needs to be working at optimum conditions for you to save on energy bills. First, you need to schedule a monthly replacement of the air filter. When you stay too long without checking the HVAC system, dirt builds up on the filter and restricts airflow. The HVAC system will therefore run longer and require more energy, leading to higher electricity bills.

Also, ensure that the HVAC is inspected for any defects and cleaned at least once annually. Defective HVAC systems might use more energy while fully-operational and clean AC systems allow clean air and use less energy.

  1. Unplug Electronics and Use Power Strips

If you have several electronic appliances in your home, the chances are that your electricity bill is higher than normal. While these electronics help to make your life easier, the way you use them determines how much energy is consumed. Whenever an electronic appliance is not in use, unplug it completely off the power source to avoid any further energy consumption.

When you simply switch the electronic appliance off and leave it plugged into a power source, there is a small trickle of power going through called phantom loads. This is common for most electronic appliances that use remote controllers or hold a time setting. A power strip prevents these appliances from using energy when they are shut off.

If you have an appliance which isn’t operating correctly, engage with an appliance repair professional to inspect and fix them as poor performing equipment can use higher amounts of electricity.

  1. Use Cold Water for Laundry

Using cold water for your laundry could save hundreds of dollars annually. The cost of heating water for laundry could be causing high electricity bills.

High electricity bills could point to several problems in your home such as cooling, heating or lighting. If you are unsure about the culprit, use the above tips and you could end up saving more money than you would think.


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