The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Boat Owners

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Getting a boat is something that most people have on their list. We want to taste the feeling of hopping into a boat we own and heading out into the open waters. Well, that’s the fun part. If you are aspiring to get a boat, then there is a lot you need to know. First of all, a boat is one of the largest investments you will have as an individual. You will want to know how to take care of it alongside operating it. You will also need to take measures to ensure your safety and that of other people on the vessel. Here are a few things you need to know as you head out and get your boat.

Get the Right Insurance 

Like your car or bike, your boat will also need insurance. Machines come with the risk of very high expenses as there are a lot of things that can go wrong. You don’t want to find yourself on edge because of the expenses that come with the maintenance of a boat. As earlier hinted, insurance is a prerequisite for a boat to be considered safe and legally worthy of cruising the waters. That is why you should get boat insurance from a reputed company through an agent that will make sure you are covered. Boat insurance also covers a wide range of other issues that could cost you dearly financially. 

For instance, your vessel could develop a fault, spilling oil in the waters. Cleaning that mess can be very costly. That is where your insurance cover comes in and saves you from being on the hook with the authorities. Work with a pro to make sure all your policies are in place with no gaps.

Learn How to Trailer Your Boat

If you are not living on your boat, it means that once you are done with your errands out there in the sea, you will have to get your boat back home. This means that you have to trailer your boat back home. Even though you can apparently tow a boat with a bike, it’s not something that you will perfect overnight. It will take time before you can trailer your boat perfectly. First of all, your car has to be allowed to tow the boat you are getting. If it isn’t rated, then you need to do something about that ASAP. When looking at that detail, keep in mind that the fuel and the equipment in the boat will add up to its weight.

Get the Right Equipment

The boat, like all other vehicles, comes with other equipment critical to its operation. As you head out to get your boat, you need to know what equipment will come in handy during your voyages. Of course, you will need life preservers for you and your passengers. In addition to this, here are some things you probably haven’t thought about:

  • Heavy-duty flashlight
  • Signaling devices like flares
  • VHF radio
  • Medical kit
  • Dock lines
  • Toolbox
  • Flotation devices

When getting your boat, make sure you have these with as well as any other that your local authorities have listed as essential. Don’t ignore any as they are meant to enhance your safety and that of those you tag along as you hop into your boat for a ride.

Learn How to Operate a Boat from a Pro

When you sit back and watch people operating boats on TV or as a passenger, you might be tempted to think that it’s something you just wake up and do. Be assured it’s not. Unless you have a death wish, don’t go into open waters without the proper knowledge on how to operate a boat. When you decide to learn how to do it, don’t take your lessons from an amateur. You need to link up with a professional or a friend who has been in this business for quite a while. They will show you how it’s done and how to safeguard yourself, your passengers as well as your boat.

The training might be short depending on the type of boat, but take time and practice under supervision until you are comfortable taking your boat out on your own. Don’t rush into trying


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