Most Effective Ways To Keep Birds Away From Your Agricultural Fields

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The agricultural industry is struggling to find a solution for protecting crops from hungry birds. The latest trend in bird repellents has been using a combination of sound and light which usually only works for a short time. Sound cannons, gas cannons, scarecrows, decoys, and lasers are other ways that have been used to keep the birds away, but there is no way of knowing what may work best to keep them out of your fields!


These are usually the first line of defense for farmers. The goal is to keep birds from gaining access to your agricultural fields which can be done through many different methods. Birds will not eat crops with a bad taste and smell, so they need water and food before they try it out! A good bird repellent for farmers has a smell, texture, or taste that birds find unappealing. Some repellents work because of their bad taste and smell such as garlic, capsaicin (chili peppers), and hot pepper wax which can be applied directly to crops. Other bird repellents such as Avipel and Bird Shield use ultraviolet light as a method to keep birds away because they are sensitive to it.

Sound Cannons 

These are cannons that shoot off sound waves which scare birds away through noise pollution. Again, the sounds that are usually used are usually high-pitched noises that most animals can’t hear which means they don’t work for everything! However, you would have better luck without attracting other animals that might eat your crops. 

Gas Cannons 

These are cannons that shoot out gas to keep birds away, but it is unclear exactly what kind of gas they use. It could be an unpleasant smell or maybe even poisonous gas, but again the main goal with these kinds of repellents is to scare them off through noise pollution. Gas cannons also have the same problems as sound cannons in that they might not be effective for all animals.


Most farmers use these because it is a cheap and easy way to keep birds away from fields, but they usually only work for a short time. Birds see the scarecrow, get spooked, and never come back! The most effective bird scarecrows usually have a human shape with arms that move which is most likely the scariest thing for birds. You can incorporate scarecrows into your yard landscape and they can also come in handy when you are harvesting crops because the scarecrow can keep birds away while you work.


The lasers are meant to keep birds away by shooting out beams of light. However, most farmers have said that it only works when they are actually on the field which is not very often! The bird leaves when they see the beam of light and comes back when you turn it off. Lasers can also be expensive but there are some options for cheaper lasers. The types of lasers that are best in these situations are infrared lasers. They are meant to keep birds away by shooting out beams of light that can’t be seen by humans, but birds can see it.


Similar to scarecrows, these are meant to mimic other animal shapes that birds may be scared of because they think that they could be dangerous to them. There are many different kinds of decoys that are meant to scare birds away, but most of them do not work very well. Sometimes, the decoys are too obvious which means the birds come right back to your fields after they see through the trick! Decoys, however, can be a great option for keeping birds away from crops.


When there is light, this means that the sun is up which means no bird wants to hang around your fields! There are many different types of lights that you can use as a repellent such as UV lights and gas-charged plasma bulbs. The main idea behind using light is that it will scare the birds away during the day when they are most active.

Installation Methods 

These can be a very effective way of keeping birds from coming back to your fields. In fact, this strategy uses many different methods such as visual, noise, and light! Others include motion-activated sprinklers or even automatically closing gates. These are costly but if you are worried about losing an entire year of crops, it might be worth the investment!

New Technology 

Scientists have turned their attention to a new way of keeping birds away from your fields. The latest trend in bird repellents has been using a combination of sound and light which usually only works for a short time. Sound cannons, gas cannons, scarecrows, decoys, and lasers are other ways that have been used to keep the birds away, but there is no way of knowing what may work best to keep them out of your fields!

Electric Fences

The idea is to use electric fences that would shock the birds when they come into contact with it. This is the most effective way of keeping birds away, but it can be dangerous for other animals like deer or your pets. You also don’t want to accidentally touch it yourself! Some people choose to mix this type of fence with another method of repellent to keep the birds away for longer than just a day or two.

What Doesn’t Work

Some ways of keeping birds away which are quite obviously do not work like hanging CDs or mylar ribbon. Birds can see these things moving in the wind and they may be curious, but it does nothing to scare them off. They also make terrible noises when you move them which scares most animals, including humans!  

There is no perfect deterrent for birds. Farmers have used a variety of methods but the one that seems to be the most effective is using a combination of visual, noise, and light! The technology is advancing to where we might have more options shortly. So, before you utilize your own strategy, keep in mind these tips and tricks on how to get rid of birds and you’ll fix your bird problems in no time!


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